When using the Inset Sized Pattern for Greeting Cards, using Corner Punches on the finished card before attaching it to the backing card can give a more interesting finish.
Avoid yanking or pulling the thread too quickly as this can tear the card. In most cases you may be able to repair the card by applying a small piece of adhesive tape over the back of the torn area to provide extra stability, and then carefully stitching through the tape and card where required.
Practically any thread can be used, however the finer the thread, the more delicate the finished picture appears.
Card Embroidery is an ideal way to use up leftover floss from Cross Stitch etc.
Experiment using a double thread to give more ‘fill’ to the design.
Experiment using two different colour threads together (eg. Pink & Blue etc)
When stitching through holes that already have a thread through them, try to avoid stitching through the other thread.
Stitching will be neater if you are consistent regarding which side of the hole/other threads you put the needle.
Some patterns use beads/sequins that will be held in place through stitching. If the bead holes are very fine, you may need to use a beading needle.
To make the pricked holes less noticable after you have finished stitching, place the card face down on a hard surface. Rub gently across the back of the work with the back of a spook as this will flatten the raised edges created when the card is pricked and sewn. Take care not to stretch or catch the threads. Do not do this process for designs that have had beads included.
Where a hole will have lots of threads going through it, widen the hole so that it can take more threads through it more easily. Also, stitching should appear neater if you tread the ‘multi-thread’ hole as the ‘go down at’ hole.
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